Customer Testimonails

I just came back from a 7 day on the blue diamond, we were a family of 7 persons and we all enjoyed it soo much, great staff very helpful, the cruise was out of this world and food is just amazing, the only thing that was bothering us was the ACS in the rooms, they didnt work very well, it was ok with some of us who slept on the deck but the other were not comfortable in the bedrooms, also changing the towels once during the cruise could be a good idea, but the overall experience was amazing, thank you Bodex team!

Sara N. Cairo, Egypt
Customer Testimonails

Just returned from a wonderful trip with Captain Mehmet and Sammy, on the Anka 35. Everything was absolutely perfect, even the weather behaved well! The gulet was very well appointed and very comfortable. We were two couples and we found the organisation excellent, all was as promised. We enjoyed delicious, perfectly seasoned and prepared lunches and dinners - plentiful and varied. Thank you Sammy! Captain Mehmet took us to the most beautiful bays and was always smiling and laughing. All in all it was a perfect 8 days! THANK YOU!

Sallee G. London, United Kingdom
Customer Testimonails

Sukru, good morning, I hope you are well today – we would sooner be on the Gulet in the sun rather than the rain here in the UK !! I said I would write to you following our cruise on the Artemis with my comments:
We found you and your company easy to deal with and you gave us an excellent service. I much appreciated your personal service with the transfer to the gulet from the hotel and your calls during our cruise and at the end of our trip to check that everything was fine. I would recommend your company.

2.The Artemis
A lovely gulet with all the facilities we needed. The food was excellent throughout our cruise. My only slight concern was the second cabin was a bit small for two adults !! This is not a complaint but merely an observation.

3.The Crew
Hassan and Sinnan were absolutely brilliant. They could not have done more to make our cruise so enjoyable. Their attitude, professionalism and service were faultless and everything was done with a smile – two really nice gentlemen and a credit to Bodex. This we reflected in our tip which was the maximum you suggested to me.

4.The Itinerary
Being a private charter Hassan and Sinnan always accommodated what we wanted and their suggestions for moorings were fabulous.
In conclusion we had an excellent holiday and would love to return one day and would certainly use Bodex again. Please can you pass on our sincere thanks to Hassan and Sinnan for all that they did for us.

Kind regards,
Nigel {Bruce – my normal name !!} and Jane

Nigel Bruce M. West Sussex, United Kingdom
Customer Testimonails

Konforlu, huzurlu,keyifli yolculuk ile tatildeyiz teşekkürler Bodex travel

Semra C. Bodrum, Turkiye
Customer Testimonails

Hi Metin,

We are now back in Australia after a fantastic holiday in Turkey….you really have a beautiful country and people. I just wanted to say a big thank you for a truly memorable time on the beautifuy Gulet Cemre Junior. I don’t think I have ever been so relaxed. The captain and crew were the BEST and I wish I could have bought Josh home to be my personal chef!!!
I look forward to sending many of my clients on one of your many Gulets to experience what I would say is a holiday of a lifetime.
I would also like you to pass on my thanks to Mr Sukru for his help and assistance with Russell and Fiona, it certainly took a lot of the stress away for them and us.
Once again my thanks and hope to do another Gulet experience in the near future.
Kind regards

Debra J. Perth, Australia
Customer Testimonails

Very good! Really enjoy the one day trip with the lovely people in Bodex Travel~

Feng Q. Xuzhou, China
Customer Testimonails

Very good! Really enjoy the one day trip with the lovely people in Bodex Travel~

Tanya N. South Africa
Customer Testimonails

Thank you for the fantastic service last night ! Great driver and lovely hostess ! Airport transfer without a worry !

Julia G. Liverpool, United Kingdom